Alexa Noel

August 25, 2024

“Going into the final, I wasn’t sure I felt like the underdog…I think I felt more overlooked. I think that the expectation of myself to do something really great weighed on me heavily. It was tough switching my mentality, being down a set, 3-1 in the final. But also, I think that’s probably the reason I’m the most proud of myself coming out of that match. If I would have continued to play the same way, I would have been off the court in 20 minutes, because my opponent was a really great player. Having to take initiative is not something I’m comfortable with, but I had to flip the switch and I had to make it fast. I just had to take that chance. I think a lot of players go through a similar thing in their development. They have a point in time where they realize if they want to be successful, they have to make a change. It’s not easy, especially when you’re so used to winning a certain way. The whole match at this point is a blur. I think what helped me pull myself out was my self-talk. It wasn’t necessarily one phrase or mantra.

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