Maria Timofeeva
February 23, 2024
“At first, I started vlogging just for fun because I like watching those videos. Then, my friend and I were like, “Okay, let’s do this and see how it goes.” We didn’t really expect people to watch it. We were just doing it for ourselves, but then people started watching and writing a lot of positive comments and messages. We just want to show how it looks to be a pro player and give some insights into how we feel before and after matches. But now, of course, we also feel a bit responsible and obligated to show people behind the scenes. A big goal was to show that the picture is sometimes better than how it actually is. It’s not what people imagine. It’s just funny to see how we survive sometimes. But also, it helps me mentally, dealing with the pressure. Coming into the Australian open, I didn’t have too much pressure because I was an underdog and a first-time qualifier for a main draw. I was playing some of my best tennis there. But, with the vlogs, I saw some people talking about me, recognizing me and it put a little more pressure on me going onto
“At first, I started vlogging just for fun because I like watching those videos. Then, my friend and I were like, “Okay, let’s do this and see how it goes.” We didn’t really expect people to watch it. We were just doing it for ourselves, but then people started watching and writing a lot of positive comments and messages. We just want to show how it looks to be a pro player and give some insights into how we feel before and after matches. But now, of course, we also feel a bit responsible and obligated to show people behind the scenes. A big goal was to show that the picture is sometimes better than how it actually is. It’s not what people imagine. It’s just funny to see how we survive sometimes. But also, it helps me mentally, dealing with the pressure. Coming into the Australian open, I didn’t have too much pressure because I was an underdog and a first-time qualifier for a main draw. I was playing some of my best tennis there. But, with the vlogs, I saw some people talking about me, recognizing me and it put a little more pressure on me going onto