Ryan Serhant
October 15, 2019
October 15, 2019 “I grew up in a family who were very sports focused. My dad and brothers were pitchers and quarterbacks. I was terrible at every single sport, just awful, and I’m by far the tallest and biggest in my family so it was just really confusing. My parents worked extremely hard to make sure my brothers and I grew up as well-rounded as possible, which is why they had me play every single sport. I played one-year football, one year baseball, JV lacrosse, Jv mountain climbing and even some tennis in high school. I distinctly remember my dad coming out onto the field during a baseball game, pulled me off of the right field, and told me that this was not my sport, which was super embarrassing and terrible, but looking back it made sense. My wife and I try to get involved in as many opportunities to help kids as possible. We look for charities that are run by good people and where the funding actually goes to the right places. We were introduced to the USTA and were excited about everything they are doing in helping improve the lives of less fortunate kids through tennis and
October 15, 2019 “I grew up in a family who were very sports focused. My dad and brothers were pitchers and quarterbacks. I was terrible at every single sport, just awful, and I’m by far the tallest and biggest in my family so it was just really confusing. My parents worked extremely hard to make sure my brothers and I grew up as well-rounded as possible, which is why they had me play every single sport. I played one-year football, one year baseball, JV lacrosse, Jv mountain climbing and even some tennis in high school. I distinctly remember my dad coming out onto the field during a baseball game, pulled me off of the right field, and told me that this was not my sport, which was super embarrassing and terrible, but looking back it made sense. My wife and I try to get involved in as many opportunities to help kids as possible. We look for charities that are run by good people and where the funding actually goes to the right places. We were introduced to the USTA and were excited about everything they are doing in helping improve the lives of less fortunate kids through tennis and